Friday, February 4, 2011

Magnolia Holiday Party

I wish I had more pictures from the holiday party--I really do. It was amazing this year, per usual.

Giants Game

In December the amazing Martin worked with our new friend John to get a bunch of us tickets to the Giants/Redskins game. We got to go on the field and everything. It was amazing. We will not talk about how many different types of meat I ate this day, but it was a lot.

Since I've bee back

So, since I've been back in California I have:

1) adopted a dog that I am both allergic to and can't have in my new apartment. I've seemingly pawned it off on my parents for the time being, and they are pretending not to love her---but they do, they love her.

2) ridden nearly all the rides on the Santa Monica Pier and loved it

3) Had In-n-Out only once

4) Lost 8 lbs---thanks to you NY pizza

5) settled into my new office

6) gone to Sundance and survived

7) found a new apartment, only to have my move-in date delayed several times, leaving me in a strange limbo land, where I spend my weeknight's at my brother and sister-in-law's house and my weekends with my parents

8) dad got a pacemaker and is now doing fine---okay, yes, I put this at number 8, because I'm none to keen on it. I'm not ready for him to be mortal and if you make me think about it again I'm going to get angry. We (meaning my parents and I) are not eating many carbs, or any salt, or anything that could be viewed as "fun to eat."
9) dressed as Coco Chanel for New Year's Eve

10) I still don't know what to do with that damn dog

I guess that pretty much gets us up to speed. The Next few posts are just pics that I haven't posted yet that will catch us up on the past few months.