Friday, May 30, 2008

American Teen

Last night Robin, Anna Lo and I went to the screening of American Teen at BAM. It was followed by a prom party. Hi-lar-ious! It was totally better than my prom, cause I didn't have to ask 5 people before I found a date, and my date didn't leave a note on the table when I went to the bathroom saying "had a nice time, here are your keys." Stupid prom. How did he even get home? What did he do, call a cab? That seems a little extreme. How bad of a time could he really have been having? Maybe a slightly worse time than Robin looks like she is having in this picture. Well, last night was fun, but it made me decide that I needed a prom re-do, so Nick and I are crashing a prom one of these days. We're just going to find a high-school prom and crash it.

Back to the screening, the movie was good, and I highly recommend it. Some things seemed a little staged, but all and all I really got into the kids and liked them.

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