Saturday, January 17, 2009


Sometimes gifts aren't really think they are, but they kind of aren't. For N's Christmas present I learned to snowboard...sort of, if taking one lesson really counts as learning. It was a big deal though. I had to take the bus to the Catskills, pay for a class, rent a board, the whole 9. So, I considered myself a snowboarder after that, except that I really wasn't. Not only did I ruin the surprise of the gift before Christmas (don't ask) I was a complete handful when N, his friends, his brother and I headed down the mountain. It wasn't pretty. Now, I'm not the most coordinated person to begin with and every experience that has begin with me going faster than I'm comfortable has ended with a trip to the hospital or the emergency dentist or with just plain getting hurt...and I don't really care much for any of those things. Not a fan of ice, or trees, or being told what to do, or feeling out of control, or of bugs--and though that doesn't really apply in this situation I just thought I would throw it in for future reference. Point being, snowboarding begins with a lot of these things, and just keeps getting better (sarcastically) or worse (realistically) the more times you fall down the mountain.
Sidenote--why do so many male country singers have names that start with K? Weird.
At the end of the first day I was pretty sure that N would have rather gotten a nice sweater, or even a pair of jeans, hell, even a nice blender, or even a lean mean grilling machine.
The next day we took a day off, cause I can play in snow, I can walk around in it--sometimes, but remind me to tell you about my nice little trip down the stairs as I was leaving for the airport on the 24th of Dec.
Day three we decided to head back up, and this time his brother stayed with me, and by the end of the day I actually showed signs of improvement.
Now, I don't want people to think that I'm a quitter, so I gotta keep going. In a couple weeks me and a bunch of nice ladies are planning a trip, so, ya know, that should be fun, or not.
Next year, gift certificates for everyone.
Wow, not even the energy to fake a smile. Nice Arianne, nice.

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