Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Welcome to NY! AKA my unsafe living and working conditions

Ya know, when you tell people in NY that you have roaches or mice most of them just shrug and act like its no big deal and then regail you with their own stories about having various vermen infest their homes. Is is the Californian in me that expects to live rodent free? Were conditions there just too sanitary.
On Monday we all came in to work to find little mouse "surprises" on our desks...that's right, poopies. So gross! I mean, not where I put my hands and my paper and my pens. Clearly I'm going to get some sort of awful disease and die of a black lung in some secret hospital they have in NY and aren't telling anyone about because they don't want word to get out that they are basically harboring the next black plague. Today? More poopies! Now I have to clean everything before I can touch anything. Gross.
And last night I got up to go to the bathroom and there was a huge cockroach hanging out on my closet door like "Hey, what up?"
Why NY, why are you like this?
When it was just roaches it was almost okay, but now I'm being assaulted at home and at work.


Tuesday, June 24, 2008


I would like to let you all in on a little secret that you may not know...and by you all, I mean mom, dad, and probably Nick.....that Starbucks used to have 54cent refills on all normal coffee and tea beverages, not the fancy stuff, but if you save your cup for a few days, the savings are pretty phenomenal. Well, now if you get a Starbucks card and register it online refills are FREE!!!!! And the best part is that every so ofter after you register your card they send you a voucher in the mail for a free beverage of your choice, and the voucher doesn't list any size or drink type restrictions. Yep, life is pretty good when you are caffeinated, for free!!!!!!

Monday, June 23, 2008

Verbal Genius

there are some people in this world who have a magical way with words. I aspire to be one of them someday, but until then, I am content to bask in the glow of other's verbal genius.
Yesterday my plan was delayed quite a bit and the dude next to me said, "well, this turned out to be a real shit-tastrophe." Wow, that is an amazing combination of words that perfectly sums up what last night's plane trip was, a shit-tastrophe. He said he had never used that word before, and that it was just the combination of frustration and exhaustion that made him combine the two in his mind. I was there for the creation....I witnessed genius.
There are only a few times in life when you get to be there for something like that. I wasn't there for "mangarines" but it still makes me happy.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Motley Crue!!!!

Guess where I will be on July 12th??????????????? I'll be in Philly watching one of the greatest bands of all time.

Hopefully I'll look something like this.
Well, hopefully way more hardcore than her, but you get the idea with the big hair. Yep, I'll have some ripped jeans, hopefully some leather. Awesome.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Rod Stewart

There is a man that waits on my subway platform with me some mornings. He has Rod Stewart hair. It's kind of amazing. He's always in a suite, and there it is, the perfect blond quaff that he's inevitably spent hours on. I think his ear might even be pierced. Every time I see him this song pops into my head.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Where Brooklyn at?

I like to go to this spinning class on Saturdays, and my white-mc-white teacher likes to start off class sometimes with this little ditty.
Okay, I couldn't find the actual music video for this song, but this is pretty funny.

this made me laugh and laugh

My job is funny

What did I do this weekend for work? Oh, yeah, I hung out with the man who holds the world record for the world's largest biceps. That's what I did.
He's really nice, and he loves the Yankees, which is an admirable trait.
We went to a deli together and I asked for extra pickles...the guy behind the counter gave me a ton of extra pickles and then said, "With a boyfriend like that, do people ever say no to you." I laughed, "No, that's not my boyfriend, my boyfriend is just a tiny bit smaller than that."