Monday, March 31, 2008

When pets go wrong.

Someday you may be walking through a pet store, and see a cute, tiny little turtle who fits nicely in the palm of your hand, and you'll think...gee, that would make a good pet. Nope, no it won't. It will make a giant pet that will one day attack your father and bite part of his lip off (granted your father is one of maybe 3 people in the world who thinks that getting the turtle to take food out of his mouth is a really neat idea..but that's beside the point, it's still an animal attack).
Yeah, so, bad idea.

Friday, March 28, 2008


Flawless opens today, and probably even at the theater near you. You should go see it. Not like that will put money in my pocket...but if it does well I'll feel good about myself.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Cool Picture

Rachel took this picture when we were at a spa in Miami. I just think its cool...that's all, just a cool picture.

Look what I'm going to

I'm pretty excited. I think that Robin and I should use this as an excuse to have a hipster night out in Williamsburg.
Here is a delicious list of restaurants in Brooklyn that are participating.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Comments from the Peanut Gallery Please!

Now is a good time in the lifespan of this blog to talk about comments. Everyone should leave some. If no one does then I feel like I'm just bloggin to myself...and while I don't have too much of a problem with that, I could just talk to myself and save me a little carpal tunnel (sp?).


I love snacks!!! Snacks are the best. I could make a meal out of snacks...but then I guess it would be a meal and not just snacks. I took the director of Flawless to a radio interview at Bloomberg earlier today, and they had snacks for as far as the eye could see. I just filled up my bag. I think I might have embarrassed the director, but hey, when there are free snacks to be had, you have to take advantage, especially if you know you aren't getting lunch any time soon.
This is what I took:
soy nuts
pirate's booty
baked lays
a banana
diet dr. pepper
snackwells devil's food cake cookies
dried bananas and cherries
a bag of pretzels

hmmm, yep, I think that's it. Now I'm down to just the soy nuts and the booty. The woman at the radio station asked me why I need so many snacks and I said, "for the journey." "what journey?" "life."
and I also told her that she made me wait in the lobby too long and that Bloomberg would pay me in snacks for my time...and they did. so there!!!!! That will teach you to make me wait.


You movie types sure do play a lot of grab-ass

Yeah, you know you do. Premieres, festivals, etc...butts are up for the grabbing. It makes you feel like you are on a football team. At the Flawless party last night I hid my bum in the tub. It was the only safe thing to do.
I love this picture. Sara looks like she's stuck.

Pretty, Pretty Coffee

I had this beautiful cup of coffee at Cafe Angelique on Bleeker Street. I also had a cookie...okay, a cookie and a half...stop grilling me!!!

Monday, March 24, 2008

Court St. Bagels

"Where is it? I know its around here. Frank specifically said that we should go to Court Street Bagels. I don't know. I'm lost. I can't find it."
"You're standing under it."

Questionable Music

I wouldn't say that I have great taste in music, but I don't think its terrible, but you know how when you're in love you hear songs and every other love song you're like, "yep, this song is totally like us," "No, but this song really is," "no, this song is the song that is totally just like our relationship." Now, some of these songs are actually good, and some of them are crap, but you're feeling so happy and sappy that you still love them and you just can't help yourself. You have no better judgement. You are in love and this song is ringing true.

But this song totally really is about us. They knew eachother in high school and they keep coming back together and its just so sweet and its just like us and awwwwww......Sing it Natasha.
Lucky for you I am putting up the much better acoustic version, and not the poppy, crappy version. I saved you. You're welcome.

Magnolia Bakery

I had never been to Magnolia Bakery before Mr. Wonderful took me there last week. I had eaten a red velvet cupcake from there that was delivered to our office once, and while it was good, the cake wasn't as moist as I would have liked. Let me just tell you that actually going there was a whole different experience. As we were standing in line the one cupcake that I had already almost finished just didn't seem like enough, so I ordered up a piece of carrot cake. IT WAS THE BEST CARROT CAKE OF MY LIFE. Even better than Jamie Stillman's mom makes, but don't tell her that I said that.
Here is Robin looking lovingly at the carrot cake.
We especially enjoyed the tattooed dude behind the counter who was way too tough to be making cupcakes and had an attitude about it. He just had this look on his face like, "F-you. So? I make cupcakes! So what?" He was the best.
Thanks Mr. Wonderful. Thanks for introducing me to a new addiction.

Friday, March 21, 2008

The Count

Matt sent me this. Why is it so funny? Cause it is.

The Color Purple

My friend Jaqlene bought me tickets to see The Color Purple for Christmas. That sentence kind of sounded bad. The tickets weren't for around Christmas time, that was just my Christmas present...the tickets were for March 19th. Robin and I got really excited. We planned out a whole night of eating cornbread and fried chicken. We were going to wear big hats. It was going to be awesome. Then we found out that the show has closed down. It was a big let-down. One more opportunity to identify with another culture and do what Oprah tells me to do: wasted.
There was going to be some Gospel songs, there was going to be some hands waving in the air, there were going to be some hallelujahs and there was definitely going to be more than one Amen!!! But no.
Well, I walked by this clothing store this morning and had to take a picture. I think I know where to get my ensemble next time the show comes back to town.

Easter has never been this delicious

This is the Amalfi Easter Bunny from Vosges. I had one last night. It was so delicious. I don't even like white chocolate typically, but this was amazing. It's made with lemon zest and pink peppercorns. I highly recommend.
You can buy one directly from the Vosges Site.

Hello My New Blog

Hello new blog. you're gonna be the best. my old blog was all about food, but then I realized that I needed to expand my focus. I really need to be able to talk about all the fun stuff that happens everyday, not just the delicious things I get to eat.

As my first order of blogging business I would just like to say that the past week has been a big one for me. I moved into a new apartment with my new roommate, but longtime friend, Robin, and I fell in love. I guess saying that I fell in love is kind of misleading, because I've been in love with this person before...and well, ever since really. Yep, I never stopped being in love with him since we dated in 2004, and before I was in love with him I certainly had a crush on him since 8th grade. Yep, this was a long time coming. We're calling this take three, since he didn't want to date me when we were in high school, and when we actually got around to dating last time I was a little too immature to realize exactly what I had. So here we are, take three, and it's amazing. He is my parents' favorite boy that I've ever brought home, and that means a lot. He's also the hottest...but that's just a bonus. He's also really smart, really talented and I have fun every minute that I'm with him.

My life is pretty freakin' awesome. Here is a picture of me and Mr. Awesome.
Just so I don't go to overboard talking about how in love I am and making people vomit in their mouths a little, let me tell you about the awesome neighborhood that Robin and I moved into.
Here is the wikipedia entry. They aren't kidding when they say the neighborhood was, and still is, mostly Italian. I've never seen so many cannolis in my life. The realtor who rented the apartment to us had the thickest Brooklyn Italian accent I've ever heard. He actually said "yous guys" and "fuggitaboutit." Needless to say, the food is amazing and the people are great. I live right by the water and the most amazing view in the world from the Brooklyn Heights Promenade.
NY Mag also has a great neighborhood guide.

My life kicks ass.